Keele and Eglinton

Situated within the bustling Keele and Eglinton community, lies a prime parcel of land that encompasses 2636, 2640, 2642, and 2654 Eglinton Avenue West, alongside 1856 and 1856A Keele Street. This sought-after location is in close proximity to the Keelesdale Station on the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, boasting seamless transit connectivity. The site is poised for an exciting transformation, with plans underway for a contemporary mixed-use development that is transit-oriented and community-centric. Please visit Project Website for more information.

2636 - 2654 Eglinton Avenue West, York, ON, M6M 1T7

Area: 18,000 Square Feet


Sinclair Place


41 Brockley Drive